Medal Constructions
Engineered Reliability.
Our Story
Founded in 2015 by experienced property and construction veteran of +30 years, Peter O’Brien, Medal Constructions is lead by a team of Engineers and Construction professionals, experienced in the delivery of complex projects in the AEC sector.
Our construction business holds a QBCC Open License, and key leaders hold various engineering and construction accreditations including CPEng, RPEQ, Registered Tasmanian Building Practitioner accreditation, among others.
We focus on delivery of innovative construction and remediation solutions for the rehabilitation and maintenance; expansion and refurbishment of existing assets.

Our Services
Engineered Reliability.

Expansion or repurposing of existing assets
temporary structures and temporary civil works

Structural Remediation & Maintenance
Structural Condition Surveys & dilapidation Surveys
Residual structural design life assessments
Engineered Structural Remedial design & construct solutions including:
Concrete crack injection & concrete repair
cathodic protection systems
lifecycle maintenance regime development
Ongoing structural monitoring

Construction Planning
Construction Management Plans (CMP)
Enabling works & access logistics
Project Programming & Forecasting